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QPU:1Q:BOSON_4A (or 4B, or 4C)

About this backend

The QPU:1Q:BOSON_4x backends are real quantum chips using a Boson 4 design, located in Alice & Bob’s offices

Three chips are currently available in rotation (usually, only one at a time):


You may check which chip is currently online on your status page.

Boson 4 chips feature two independant cat qubits of identical design, one of which is exposed through this backend.

QPU:1Q:BOSON_4x backends are only available through the remote provider, with a Felis Cloud subscription.

💡 Note: While all Boson 4 chips feature roughly identical performance, we still expose them as different backends so you can know exactly which chip you used in a given experiment.

A Boson 4 chip

Supported backend parameters

  • average_nb_photons
    • Supported values: 4 to 16

Read more about backend parameters here

Supported gates

  • delay
    • 💡 Note: Be careful when using long delays. Circuits taking longer than 15 minutes to execute (circuit duration * number of shots) will be refused by our API, so that processing time is shared fairly between all users.
  • initialize(value, 0)
  • z(0)
  • x(0)
    • 💡 Note: The x gate is implemented virtually in this backend, at the transpilation step
      • For example, initialize('0', 0) + x is transpiled into initialize('1', 0)
  • measure(0, clbit_index)
  • measure_x(0, clbit_index)

Read more about supported gates here.

Supported providers

  • ❌ ~~AliceBobLocalProvider~~
  • AliceBobRemoteProvider


N/A - This backend features a single qubit.

Expected performance

See Boson 4 chips

Availability schedule

See Hardware availability schedule