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Version 1.1.1

get_memory functionality for Remote Providers:

  • When using the memory=True parameter in, the result of each individual shot is stored. It can then be retrieved using the get_memory function on the result of an AliceBobRemoteProvider job.
  • This feature aligns with functionality already available in the AliceBobLocalProvider, ensuring consistency across providers.
  • This makes it possible to use a Boson 4 chip as a random number generator, for example.


Here’s how to retrieve the memory of a quantum circuit execution:

from qiskit_alice_bob_provider import AliceBobRemoteProvider
from qiskit import transpile

# Initialize the remote provider
remote_provider = AliceBobRemoteProvider('<API_KEY>')

# Retrieve the backend and execute the circuit
backend = remote_provider.get_backend('<backend>')
circuit = <...>  # Define your quantum circuit
transpiled_circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
job =, shots=10000, memory=True)

# Retrieve the memory of the circuit
result = job.result()
memory = result.get_memory()


Version 1.1.0

  • Migrated to Qiskit 1.3 :
    • Default optimization_level for backend.transpile() is changed from 1 to 2.
  • Transpilation now works correctly for backend targets with only Clifford + T gate basis (except for gates CRY, RCCX and RCCCX on macOS for now)
  • Alice & Bob custom options like average_nb_photons are not allowed for with local provider because they will be ignored. They should be passed to provider.get_backend() instead.
  • Drop support for Python 3.8

Version 1.0.0

  • Migrated to Qiskit 1.2 (BREAKING CHANGES for 1.0) :
    • Function execute() is removed in favor of transpile() +
    • circuit.cnot() gate should now be declared with
    • Python environments created with previous Qiskit versions need to be recreated
    • For more details about other Qiskit 1.0 changes, you can read the complete migration guide.
  • Specifying options for get_backend() no longer modifies the default options for this backend on the Alice & Bob provider Python object.

Example to execute a circuit :

# Legacy path
from qiskit import execute

job = execute(circuit, backend)

# New path
from qiskit import transpile

new_circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
job =

Version 0.7.2

  • Bump twine to version 5.1.1

Version 0.7.1

  • Use ipywidget to display job status on notebooks

Version 0.7.0

  • Deprecated Python 3.7 for the provider. Python 3.7 has been officially deprecated since June 27th 2023. ( This was triggered after ARM chip users experienced issues with installing the provider since Numpy is not built for ARM Python 3.7.
  • Set max version of Python to 3.11 for the provider. Python 3.12+ introduces breaking changes to setuptools. The Alice & Bob team will support this version in the near future.
  • Changed default remote API URL to instead of, following the official release of Felis Cloud on Google Cloud Platform. GCP is now the main point of entry to use Felis Cloud.
  • Added a warning when instancing the AliceBobRemoteProvider if a new version of the provider is available on pypi.

Version 0.6.0

  • Improved feedback while running circuits using the remote provider

Version 0.5.4

  • Add support for the TDG gate for the logical backends of the remote provider (the TDG gate was already supported on the local provider)

Version 0.5.3

  • Fix a transpilation issue that prevented the usage of logical backends with the remote provider.

Version 0.5.2

  • Fix a transpilation issue for the logical backends, preventing the transpilation of circuits using a cswap gate.

Version 0.5.1

  • Improved transpilation and scheduling for the local backends, to better support programs imported from QASM code.

Version 0.5.0

  • Harmonized the get_backend functions of the remote and local provider to act in a similar manner. The following line is now working as it does for local:
remote_provider.get_backend('EMU:6Q:PHYSICAL_CATS', average_nb_photons=4.5, kappa_1=1000)

Version 0.4.2

  • Released multi-qubits logical and physical targets for the remote provider, allowing to run these models remotely.

Version 0.4.1

  • Added support for Python 3.11

Version 0.4.0

  • Added logical backends: EMU:15Q:LOGICAL_EARLY and EMU:40Q:LOGICAL_TARGET