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Supported instructions

Supported Qiskit gates

Logical backends

Logical backends (EMU:15Q:LOGICAL_EARLY and EMU:40Q:LOGICAL_TARGET) support a universal set of gates, so they should run any gate listed in

If the gate is not part of the backend's native gate set, it will be implemented through transpilation, as shown in this example.

Physical backends

Physical backends support a limited set of gates among the following:

  • delay(duration, qarg=qubit_index, unit='ns')
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It attempts to preserve the state of qubit qubit_index during the specified duration and unit
    • Minimum value: 1 ns
  • initialize(value, qubit_index)
    • This is a custom Felis gate
    • It initializes qubit qubit_index to one of four supported value: '0', '1', '+', '-'
  • z(qubit_index)
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It performs a phase-flip (transforming \(\ket{+}\) into \(\ket{-}\) and the reverse) on qubit qubit_index
  • x(qubit_index)
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It performs a bit-flip (transforming \(\ket{0}\) into \(\ket{1}\) and the reverse) on qubit qubit_index
  • rz(angle, qubit_index)
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It performs a rotation of angle angle around the Z axis on qubit qubit_index
  • cx(qubit_index_1, qubit_index_2)
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It performs a controlled X gate (also called "CNOT") between qubits qubit_index_1 and qubit_index_2
    • It is only available on backends featuring at least 2 qubits
  • measure(qubit_index, clbit_index)
    • This is a native Qiskit gate
    • It performs a Z measurement on qubit qubit_index and stores the result in the classical bit clbit_index
  • measure_x(qubit_index, clbit_index)
    • This is a custom Felis gate
    • It performs an X measurement on qubit qubit_index and stores the result in the classical bit clbit_index
    • The native Qiskit equivalent would be H + measure, but H is not supported by physical backends.

Note that these operations are all bias-preserving (i.e. they do not convert a phase-flip error into a bit-flip error).

Any instruction other than those listed above is not supported by physical backends.

To know which gate is supported by which backend, check your backend's page in the Backends section

Gates must be added to a Qiskit QuantumCircuit. For example:

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

circ = QuantumCircuit(1,1)

Supported QIR instructions

The API exposes the list of available targets (the equivalent of Qiskit backends) and details for each of them the list of supported instructions.

  • Here’s a sample response (for the EMU:1Q:LESCANNE_2020 model only).

    json [ { "name": "EMU:1Q:LESCANNE_2020", "numQubits": 1, "instructions": [ { "signature": "__quantum__qis__read_result__body:i1 (%Result*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__z__body:void (%Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__x__body:void (%Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__mz__body:void (%Qubit*, %Result*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__m__body:void (%Qubit*, %Result*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__measure__body:void (%Qubit*, %Result*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__mx__body:void (%Qubit*, %Result*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__reset__body:void (%Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__delay__body:void (double, %Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__prepare_x__body:void (i1, %Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__prepare_z__body:void (i1, %Qubit*)" }, { "signature": "__quantum__qis__rz__body:void (double, %Qubit*)" } ], "inputParams": { "nbShots": { "required": true, "default": 1000, "constraints": [ { "min": 1, "max": 10000000 } ] }, "averageNbPhotons": { "required": true, "default": 4.0, "constraints": [ { "min": 1.0, "max": 7.0 } ] } } }, ... ]

When working with the remote provider AliceBobRemoteProvider, the supported QIR instructions are fetched by the provider from the API and converted into Qiskit instructions.